Full-Stack Web Development
Course Overview
Dive into web development with our comprehensive full stack bootcamp. Begin with the fundamentals of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, laying a solid foundation for modern web applications. Advance to frontend development using React, creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Master backend development with Express, building robust server-side applications. Bring it all together by integrating frontend and backend technologies. Finally, learn essential deployment and maintenance strategies to launch and sustain your web applications in real-world environments. Emerge ready to tackle full stack development challenges in today's tech industry.
Discover the power of cloud-based coding with Replit. Learn to set up your development environment, collaborate in real-time, and leverage Replit's features for efficient coding. Perfect for beginners and experienced developers alike.
Dive into the core technologies of web development. Master HTML for structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity. Build a solid foundation for creating engaging web pages and understanding how the web works.
Explore the world of modern frontend development with React. Learn component-based architecture, state management, and how to create responsive, interactive user interfaces. Transform static websites into dynamic web applications.
Delve into backend development with Express.js. Build robust server-side applications, create RESTful APIs, and manage databases. Learn how to handle requests, process data, and serve dynamic content to your frontend.
Test your skills by completing short programming challenges during class sessions.